UKCCL’s Progressive Lifelong Blended Knowledge Learning

Policies and  Procedures

Ability Appreciation Certification (1)

This UK-CCL Fundamental Ability Appreciation Certification is a pathway laid out for individuals who seek a commendation for their working life knowledge and hands-on experience gained over the years, turning it into a Noteworthy Certification. When we look back, many individuals who have gained worthwhile expertise and knowledge through their work experiences, have gone by without any individual recognition for their tireless contribution to their working life and have never benefited before their retirement. To this effect, the UK-CCL founder came about with this scheme of the Fundamental Ability Appreciation Certification, which does not require a formal education route to award this amazing recognition.

Certification Of Accomplished Acknowledgment (2)

Non-Academic Lifelong Blended Learning  Recognition – Proficiency – Ability

CAA Is An Appreciation Certification To Motivate The Work Experienced Person To Give Conviction To Offer High Productivity Which Can Be Elevated To An Acceptable Professional Knowledge Achievement! Extraordinary Aptitude Assessment. UK-CCL Consistent Commitment And Persistent Discipline Leads To Career Success! UK-CCL Focus Upon Every Matured Working Person To Become A Recognised And Internationally Accepted By Taking Into Account Of Their Lifelong Hands-On Work Experience And Converting By Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS) To A Professional Knowledge Certification.  UK-CCL take delight in announcing to every mature working individual, along with small and medium-sized business organizations that, the founder and his team of Intellectual Professionals, have developed the methodology to appreciate and recognize every hands-on working individual and their business to become a renowned professional enterprise in their own area of working skill. CAA comes with three specific Knowledge Certifications to confirm the respective area of ability.

Many Small, Medium-sized and Multinational Companies have accepted UK-CCL’S mission globally. Some are changing from their own Employee of the Month or Year or Letters of Appreciation, to UK-CCL’S CAA, due to the fact of independency appreciation, which is gained worthily by individuals. The display of this achievement to the public will give a tremendous boost to the business and individual as the confirmation of Quality adherence.



Certifications of International Personnel Development (CIPD) (3)

UKCCL’s Vision is that No Three Hours Written Academic Classroom can determine a person’s Knowledge Ability. But Taking Into Account Lifelong Hands-On Work Experience Learning And Oral Viva Consultation With Personnel References do assist in Ascertain The Eligibility Awards. The UK-CCL Certifications are considered under the criteria of Professional Knowledge Work Orientated Qualification. Therefore, this has made it compulsory for every applicant to submit a Reflective Work Experience Accomplishment Assignment on their career experiences. This assignment must contain more than Five Thousand words. As this statement is very important for the examination of the candidate’s suitability and will assist the assessors in verifying their ability and their skills. Recognition shall only be granted to those individuals who have achieved an acceptable professional standard of knowledge & hands-on experience in their workplace.  UKCCL’s Work Based Lifelong Learning has become the main focal point in the 21st, Century Business Circle. The Reflective Work Experience Accomplishment Assignment(RWEAA) is important to confirm the award eligibility. 

Dual Equivalency Awards (4)

UKCCL’s objective is achieved by way of facilitating the option of conferring a Dual Award Certificate of Knowledge Equivalency and Letter of Comparability. This Certification does uplift Non-UK Certificate holders to obtain UK Knowledge Certification to appreciate their Learning Achievement in their respective country. UKCCL’s Dual Award Equivalency of Professional Knowledge Certifications, do adhere to the International Professional Quality Standard of ISO 9001:2027.UK-CCL’s Professional Knowledge Dual Award Equivalency Certification. This unique Knowledge Certification is considered by taking into consideration any person who could demonstrate their acquired work knowledge, to earn a Professional Knowledge Qualification by way of the Credit Accumulate Transfer Scheme(CATS).

Awards  Categories (5)

The main aspiration of UK-CCL is to work with Lifelong Blended Knowledge Learning Professional Awarding Institutions as the Alliance to confer respective Professional Knowledge Certificates and Diplomas and with the understanding with Non-Formal Professional Knowledge Universities to confer respective Lifelong Blended Learning Progressive Postgraduate Masters and Doctorates Degree. This respective innovative option assists many mature working persons to better themselves and also to serve the world through its Council of Consistent Learning.

UK-CCL – Level 1 Knowledge Certificate-Level 1 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 2 Knowledge Diploma-Level 2 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 3 Knowledge Higher Diploma-Level 3 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 4 Knowledge Graduate / Executive Diploma-Level 4 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 5 Knowledge Post Graduate Certificate -Level 5 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 6 Knowledge Post Graduate Diploma-Level 6 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 7 Knowledge Progressive Entrepreneurial Master -Level 7 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL – Level 8 Knowledge Progressive Entrepreneurial Doctorate -Level 8 of the NQF / NVQ

International Business Entrepreneurship (IBE)(6)

This International Business Entrepreneurship (IBE) Certification is to confirm the hands-on work experience into a recognized quality standards professional knowledge qualification which is a motivation and inspiration ladder for better productivity for the respective employers. This will give every candidate an even playing field with academics who have been agitated from the traditional educational path, yet who have little or no hands-on work experience knowledge. International Business Entrepreneurship (IBE) Certification is a result of the demand by Business Enterprises. This certification will cement and ensure the standards required for any managerial staff of any establishment who requires creditworthy appreciation, and this will be a tremendous boost to increase one’s own Personal and Professional Status.