

The Procedure To Acquire Professional Qualifications

Candidates, who wish to obtain a professional entrepreneurial knowledge qualification, would be given individual advice, guidance and the options available. The candidates are free to select the appropriate method, varied by cost & duration depending on their work area and expertise. The candidates would identify the discipline and speciality that they want to develop further and the professional award that they would like to achieve. A decision would be made via the initial interview session wherein the candidate concerned would chose on the discipline and the level of professional qualification that they desire.

Assessment / Verification

It is made clear to every person concerned that, for any candidate to gain UK-CCL’s Certification, they should follow the assessment and verification procedure with minimum work experience required for the specific level of Lifelong Learning Knowledge Certification.We strive to provide quality assessment and verification that is related to the cutting edge of research, industry and management practice.

Assessors Grading Blended Learning Elements For Professional Qualifications

(1) Time Bound Assessment (TBA) 50%
(2) Course Work 30 % (Individual / Group)
(3) Presentation / Viva Examination 20 %

Knowledge Qualifications Level taking into consideration of standards laid out by National Qualification Framework (NQF) and National Vocational Qualification (NVQ). The Credit Units has been allocated as Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 will give the recommended accumulated credits of 240 and Level 5 is to be 120. The Credit Units has been allocated as Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 will give the recommended Accumulated Credits of 240 and Level 5 is to be 120.

Assessors And Verifiers Grades

Grade 2 Professional Knowledge Diploma-Level 3 of the NQF / NVQ
Grade 2 Professional Knowledge Higher Diploma-Level 4 of the NQF / NVQ
Grade 3 Professional Knowledge Executive Diploma-Level 5 of the NQF / NVQ
Grade 3 Professional Knowledge Post Graduate Diploma-Level 6 of the NQF / NVQ

Minimum Work Experience Requirement

The UK-CCL Module Of Grading

Grade “A” 80% and above.
Grade “B” 61 % and above.
Grade “C” (Pass) 45 % and above.
Grade “D” (Referred) 40 % and above.
Grade “E” (Fail) Less than 39%

UK-CCL- PQMS Confirms the Assurance of Management
and Quality Standards of Assessments & Verifications!