

Dual Award Certificate of Knowledge
Equivalency and Letter of Comparability

UK-CCL’s objective is achieved by way of facilitating the option ofconferring Dual Award Certificate of Knowledge Equivalency and Letter of Comparability. In today’s business world, the practical hands on knowledge play the vital role for job opportunities by obtaining official recognition by of Lifelong Professional Knowledge Qualifications.
UK-CCL’s professional quality assessment and verification will be issued with International Professional Quality Standard of ISO 9001:2015which can influence Learning Institutions and Business Organizations in various ways as it can be cherished to the international candidates undertaking to further learning and seeking credit transfers on his/her proposed career development learning.

UK-CCL’s methodology and principal of global assessing and validation as qualifying path to earn the Non Formal Academic Professional Knowledge Qualifications by way of Credit Accumulate Transfer Scheme (CATS).

Lifelong Hands-on Work Learning and Experience Confirms the Individual’s Knowledge!

UK-CCL – Level 1 Knowledge Certificate-Level 1 of the NQF / NVQ
UK-CCL – Level 2 Knowledge Diploma-Level 2 of the NQF / NVQ
UK-CCL – Level 3 Knowledge Higher Diploma-Level 3 of the NQF / NVQ
UK-CCL – Level 4 Knowledge Graduate / Executive Diploma-Level 4 of the NQF / NVQ
UK-CCL – Level 5 Knowledge Post Graduate Diploma-Level 6 of the NQF / NVQ

UK-CCL Validated Institution

UK-CCL’s focus is as an Independent Professional Knowledge Qualifications Assessor and Verifier who has two categories representations. One is known as Professional KnowledgeVocational Organizations and other to be Professional Knowledge Learning Organizations.

Theschemes of ACPD and APEL areto offer their specific award of their Lifelong Work Experience Professional Knowledge Equivalency Certification, which is considered and accepted as a Dual Award Professional Knowledge Qualifications.

Affirmation Of Prior Experience And Learning (APEL) Who Is It For?

UK-CCL has developed a methodology called Affirmation of Prior Experience and Learning (APEL) by helping society to recognize people’s experiences, by offering credit units towards a professional Knowledge Qualification or other qualification.

Adults who want a second chance; those who are returning to education after a career break or those who want to improve their career prospects can apply through the APEL scheme. At whatever stage one is in, the APEL path would support personal and professional development. APEL encourages:

Requirements for APEL Representation

Accreditation Of Career Progress Development (ACPD) Who Is This Scheme For?

The ACPD scheme is an alternate towards the path to Universities and Professional Bodies. This scheme would be very suitable for busy working professionals who have an abundance of knowledge, skill and ability. All candidates will be scrutinized to show if they possess evidence of this attainment/quality, before being considered for the scheme and the particular award.

Thus, high caliber and dynamic candidates, who have acquired and developed their skills through career progress development programmes, would be awarded professional degrees through the Accreditation of Career Progress Development (ACPD) scheme. In addition to the vast knowledge and expertise that they have, candidates would be required to submit a Project Paper in their area of work and expertise, to complete the final qualification. ACPD encourages:

Acpd Process Stages

Receive Complete Applications and Initial Screening:
The following documents have to be completed and submitted for initial screening and acceptance.

UK-CCL Recommends Quality Professional
Experiential Learning and Knowledge Qualifications!