UK-CCL is a Non- Profit Quasi Charity Institution, Which is registered as limited company in Great Britain in the year of August 1996 as assessors and verifiers to facilitate High Quality Professional lifelong Knowledge Learning with Quality Assessment and Verification Services for all working individuals, who see k to enhance their Professional status and Career Progress. All the Qualification Certifications are conferred by Formal and Non- Formal Universities and Professional Awarding Bodies. The Assessments and Verifications are implemented either by Lifelong Blended Tutorial Learning (LBTL) or Affirmation for Prior Experience & Learning (APEL) or Accreditation for Career Progress Development (ACPD)


    UK-CCL executes this valuable knowledge appreciation certification by taking into account of every working person’s Lifelong Hands-on Work Experience and converting it into the awarding policy of Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS). It is a high-quality Assessment and Verification procedure.

    The Main Aspiration of UK-CCL Is to Serve the International Business World Enhancing Every Non-Academic Working Person to Become A Worldly Renowned Business Professional It is executed to the Quality standard UK-CC L PQMS 5001 2005 Professional Quality Management Standards which is to the Quality Level of ISO 9001 2015.

    • To create successful open and distance learning models and nominating appropriate work learning facilitators to execute to suit today’s individual demands
    • To advice and upgrade lifelong work learning institutes and business organizations to implement Professional Quality Standards in compliance with UK-CC L POMS 200 5 5001
    • Using of UK-CCL lifelong learning and assessment technologies to support in conferring Work Based Professional Knowledge Qualific actions
    • Introducing guidance and quality lifelong learning action planning procedures conducted by every Validated Institution or Business Organization.
    • Creating a credit matching and a suitable benchmark system thus comparing the curriculum of different learning programs to offer the facility of  Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS) 1v ith other a1varding institutions.

    1.To maintain a lifelong learning review procedure at regular interva ls by way of adopting and appending the latest technologies 1vh ich is available in t he current marketplace.

    1.Implementing and monitoring effective Operat ional Management System. 2.Introduce ing appropriate evaluation methods to make sure the inclusiveness of knowledge transfers by facilitating appropriate Ability, Recognition, and Proficiency Certification

    1.Establishing suitable professional knowledge evaluation techniques to offer the Equivalency Certification 2.Executing an awarding method by way of certifying the candidate’s performance and achievement to a Lifelong Professional Knowledge Qualifications and Memberships

    1.Maintaining UK-CCL Professional Quality Management standard signal It heir assessments and verificat ions 2.Supporting the UK-CCL representative offices to conduct and invigilate on behalf of authorized Awarding Establishments

    1.Facilitating all necessary information and forms via UK-CCL website as a user friendly 2.Using only Official rubber stamps {UK- CCL) to confirm the authentication of the Validated Institutes 3.All awards and certifications will be originated from Great Britain Office


    The Certificate is an award by UK-CC L who is known to be a UK Assessing and Verification Institution over t1venty years of existence for Further Higher Professional Education and Work-Based Knowledge Qualifications as the facilitators to the quality standards of ISO 9001 2015 to meet the International requirements. It is an award for recognition and acceptance by other International Awarding Institutions and Business Organizations

    The following are the UK-CCL Professional Certifications offered:

    • Certification of Accomplished Achievement (CAA)
    • Certification of Professional Ability (CPA)
    • Certification of Dual Award Equivalency (CDAE)
    • Ability Certification of PQMS
    • International Accolade of Entrepreneur (IAE)
    Features of Our Courses


    UK Commission for Consistent Learning Legitimacy Status


    We as the examination, assessing, and verifying institution of Great Britain consider that it will be both productive and fruitful to facilitate Professional Quality Management standards for non-academic working individuals to become a qualified knowledge working professional in their field

    Active Date of Incorporation


    Country of Origin

    Country of Origin

    Company Type:

    PRI / NSC (Private, Limited by Guarantee, No Share Capital, use of ‘Limited’ exemption)

    Nature of Business (SIC)

    85600 – Educational Support Services