The Founder / Executive Governor-General and pundits of UK-CCL Professor Emeritus Ralph Thomas who is a Freeman of London and England & Wales, Fellow of the Royall Society of Arts, Full Member of Institute of Hospitality, Fellow of Institute of Cost & Executive Account ant s, Juror of the Court Baron of the Mayor- the City of London, OLrt standing Persons, Researchers and Professors of A EI, Belgium, Colonel of the State of Kentucky {USA) and “CALL TO SERVICE” President of USA wishes to emphasize his vision, mission and objective for t today’s business community and employers, by bringing to their attention the v ital importance which should be given t o Professional Knowledge Hands-on Learning Qualifications
It is proud to say that he has observed since 1989 that in the past half-century, traditional academic education has been a static concept After six years of observation, the Founder resolute of the formation of UK-CCL in September 1996 with the vision to convert this project to his doctoral thesis. Since every government and traditional educational institutions have been merely concentrating and accredit ing the Red- Brick style of Book Learning Education
But the Founder and his professional acquaintances firmly believe that new vision and image can change the business economic world of today_ This is particularly true because the USA, UK and Europe Governments on a periodical basis change the education policy to meet its citizens’ needs_ This gave the pathway for UK-CCL to fill the vacuum of Matured Working Person’s Career Progress. Taking t his into consideration UK-CCL Founder Ralph Thomas developed a Lifelong Work-Based Learning Assessments and Verifications methodology to confer Professional Quality Knowledge Qualifications and Management Standards for the Millennium year
UK Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CC L) which is limited by guarantee as a Non-Profit Quasi Charity with the Incorporation No 05396290 in Great Britain in facilitating Professional Quality Management standards (PQMS) either through the National and Regional Offices {CCL-NO/ RO) or directly via UK-CCL HQ in compliance with procedures as laid down by UK-CCL PQ MS 5001 2005_ The Founder of UK-CCL Ralph Thomas (Professor Emeritus) whose firm conviction is that “KNOWLEDGE” do confirm that, of a person’s Wisdom, Judgement, Prudency, Ability, Leadership and power of Implementation. This vision is the Doctoral Thesis of the Founder.

Joel Thomas has been part of the Board of Trustees since 2015 for the UK Certified Knowledge Association (UKCKA), UK Commission for Consistent Learning (UKCCL), UK Association of Lifelong Learning (UKALL), European Continental University of State of Delaware, USA. He was educated as a Lawyer in the UK, achieving a Joint Honours LLB in Law with Business from the University of Portsmouth. Over the years, Joel has gained a vast amount of experience across several global blue-chip organizations including Toyota, Carlsberg, Puig, and General Mills progressing through the ranks to gain experience at the Director level. This has enabled him to excel in his work with continuous progress and development.
The aim of UK-CCL is not only to enrich learning but also to preserve professional-quality delivery management standards. As such, UK-CCL strives to adopt appropriate methods of hands-on learning to suit individual c ircumstances_ While we pay homage to Darwin for his theory of evolution, we feel that parallel tribute could be paid to the Founder and Honorary Executive Governor Ralph J Thomas (Professor Emeritus) for his eminent visualization of this vital vision, mission, and theory, which he has been involved in since 1989 to date. He has faced many hurdles, objections, but truly his commitment and consistency he had overcome all of them, due to his sincere desire to help all nonacademic hands-on working matured persons to come to the professional level of t raditional academics in the business world. His belief also knowledge qualification and work experience, that no one can contests its prime value. Prof Ralph’s theory of understanding is “Professional Knowledge Qualifications for Career Evolution’- a revolution far from the old oratory. The old school of thought paradoxically predicted gloom on new concepts like Education for Career Evolution”
He entered the corporate world straight from University within the Sales and Marketing area first with Camelot UK. They are the largest Lottery operator in Europe, and he was charged with onboarding new retail partners during the 2012 Olympics. His ability to cultivate strong beneficial relationships led him to move on to represent some of the biggest consumer brands in the world. This led him to understand the great value of Hands-on Work Experience which can enrich Professional Status through lifelong Blended Occupational Learning (LBOL) as a method of Career Progress Development (CPD) to enrich Professional Status. Due to this committed objective, he agreed to join as an honorary member of the Board of Trustees forUKCKA, UKCCL, and ECU to learn the vision of Lifelong Blended Occupational Learning Theory.
Through his entrepreneurial mindset, he was able to gain additional significant experience within the health and beauty sector and was able to launch new products into the UK market by securing partnerships with category-leading retailers. In addition to this, he launched multiple brands on e-commerce powerhouse Amazon across multiple European territories. All these achievements were made possible through his consistent commitment to better himself and continue to build his knowledge.
Most recently, he transitioned into the Tech eCommerce space, working for the UK’s biggest tech company as Account Director. Here he was a key decision-maker across his client base, charged with revenue growth and project management. Through this role, he had exposure to the full 360 remits of e-commerce, specifically within digital marketing and trading.
As he advanced within large global organizations, he observed within the workforce, a trend where there are two tribes, those who had progressed academically and achieved their higher qualifications and achieved their respective career progress. But the other group not holding traditional academic qualifications, rather enrich their respective Professional Knowledge Ability by Flexible Lifelong Blended Occupational Learning to affirm the Professional Knowledge capability for their Career Progress Development (CPD). For many of the higher-ranked senior positions, there is an increasing acceptance and change in the notion of Professional Enhancement by taking into consideration Hands-on Occupational Knowledge Qualifications are important for current employers, which add value by allowing individuals with significant knowledge and experience to efficiently dispense their learnings in a practical sense in their respective field employment or business. Whilst in most publicly traded businesses, there is a prerequisite to have qualifications at a master’s level or above, it is accepted that the most successful leaders and entrepreneurs thrive in their roles due to the problem-solving skills they have acquired through many years of hands-on experience and Lifelong Blended Knowledge Learning.
Based on these observations, Joel has become a key advocate of the vision of Lifelong Blended Occupational and Educational Learning through the Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme (CATS). This will continue to lead and provide insight on how progressive educational Institutions can continue to provide valuable Professional Knowledge Qualification and awards pathways to those who have gained significant knowledge and experience within their professions, which enable them to progress in their lifelong careers.
As an energetic young professional and an entrepreneur with a wealth of experience wish to support and guide by advocating the Lifelong Blended Work Learning for the busy working individuals, who cannot allocate said timing for classroom academic learning but have sufficient Hands-on Knowledge in their respective profession to achieve the same qualifications.