Candidates,who wish to obtain a professional entrepreneurial knowledge qualification,would be given individual advice,guidance and the options available.The candidates are   free to select the appropriate method,varied by cost & duration depending on their work area and expertise.The candidates would identify the discipline and speciality that they want to develop further and the professional award that they would like to achieve. A decision would be made via the initial interview session wherein the candidate concerned wou ld chose on the discipline and the level of professionalqualification that they desire.


It is made clear to every person concerned that,for any candidate to ga in UK-CCt:s Certification,they should follow the assessment and verification procedure with minimum work experience required for the specific level of lifelong Learning Knowledge Certification.We strive to provide quality assessment and verification that is related to the cutting edge of research,industry and management practice.


Knowledge Qualifications Leveltaking into consideration of standards laid out by the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and National Vocational Qualification (NVQ). The Credit Units has been allocated as Levels 1,2,3 and 4 will give the recommended accumulated credits of 240 and Level 5 is to be 120. The Credit Units have been allocated as Levels 1,2,  3, and 4 will give the recommended Accumulated Credits of 240 and Level 5 is to be 120.

  2. Course Work 30 % (Individual/Group)
  3. Presentation / Viva Examination 20 %

Grade 2 Professional Knowledge Diploma-Level 3 of the NQF / NVQ
Grade 2 Professional Knowledge Higher Diploma-Level 4 of the NQF / NVQ
Grade 3 Professional Knowledge Executive Diploma-Level 5 of the NQF / NVQ
Grade 3 Professional Knowledge Post Graduate Diploma-Level6 of the NQF / NVQ


Professional Knowledge Diploma -Level 3-Minimum of Six Years Work Experience Professional Knowledge Higher Diploma -
Level4 – Minimum of Nine Years Work Experience Professional Knowledge Executive Diploma
-Level 5 – Minimum of Twelve Years Work Experience Professional Knowledge Post Graduate Diploma
-Level 6- Minimum of Fifteen Years Work Experience


1.Grade “A” 80% and above.
2.Grade “B” 61% and above.
3.Grade “C” (Pass) 45 % and above.
4.Grade “D” (Referred) 40 % and above.
5.Grade “E” (Fail) Less than 39%

Assesment Philosophy

UK-CCL is a Unique International Quasi Charity Assessing and Verification Institution, whose focus is to implement and monitor UKCCL’s Professional
Quality Management Standards(PQMS 5001:2005) which do adhere to the Equivalent Quality Level of ISO 9001:2008 under the Scheme of Credit Accumulation Transfer (CAT) with the legitimate Learning Academies Internationally by taking into consideration of Quality Standards implementation vision of Continuous Progress Development (CPD) methodology by scheduling regular assessment reviews. External Reviewers are very vital for UK-CCL’s Assessment Implementation


Examiners and Assessors/Verifiers are taken on an Individual Experienced Knowledge Ability. Every Professional Individuals who wishes to be part of UKCCL’s
Examiners and Assessors/Verifiers must understand and know the unique concept of Lifelong Occupational Blended Knowledge Learning and Hands on Work Experienced Learning Assessment and Verification Procedure.

UK-CCL EBAV has mapped out a strategy with fiver overlapping boundaries for assessment activities:

1.Assessment of candidate methodology of Learning and Ability of Knowledge in their Disciplines.

2.Review of candidate’s Strength on Prior Lifelong Learning and Experiences

3.Collection, Coordination, Dissemination and use of institutional data generated by UK-CCL Assessor/Verifiers worldwide.

4.UK-CCL EBAV is determined to work collaboratively with Assessor/Verifiers to develop a learning outcome  assessment plan and to recognise the quality of service of UK-CCL by explaining
educational/programmatic goals and objectives for the major or programme.

5.Portfolio of Evaluation used for assessment purposes are most commonly characterised by collections of candidates’ progress and achievement in given areas and must be prudent on Thesis, Assignments,
Dissertations Evaluation.

Outcome of assessment is a valuable and integral part of programmatic improvement and review of Professional
Learning Programmes. It has the potential to impact candidates and members academically. The procedures are
devised and incorporate assessment practices into on-going curricular structures.


UKCCL do implement three respective mode of Assessment and Verification Procedure Programmes to ascertain
the eligibility for Lifelong Occupational Knowledge Qualifications. The Three Scheme are as follows:-

1) Accreditation for Career Progress Development (ACPD)
2) Affirmation for Prior Experience and Learning (APEL)
3) Lifelong Blended Educational Learning (LBEL)

The above three Scheme are very Valuable Lifelong Knowledge Certification which is categorised either
Academic or Professional (Vocational) Qualifications. The UKCCL’s emphasis is to consider every matured
working person, who have earned their respective “Knowledge”, in relevant to their Hands-on Working
Profession. It is made clear to every person concern that, Knowledge Ability Certification is Highly Valuable,
Creditworthy and Accredited Lifelong Occupational Knowledge Qualifications.

UKCCL Associate Awarding Institutions do contemplate their respective Lifelong Occupation Knowledge Learning
Qualifications are confirmed upon any persons, who have followed the Learning Scheme of ACPD or APEL or LBTL
by demonstrating their specific level of Knowledge Attainment either by Work Expertise or Blended Tutorial
Learning with the Legally Certified Supporting Documentations that are True Photocopies of the Originals and
Compulsory Fulfilment of minimum of Three Verbal Consultations to affirm the eligibility to earn relevant Credit
Units which could be converted to an Academic or Professional Knowledge Qualification.

Qualification Accreditation

UK-CCL has a long-established status, who facilitate in facilitating High-Quality Management Standards for Professional Knowledge Educational and Professional Qualifications. UKCCL is committed in helping employers, organisations and learners to cultivate relevant employees to commit on Consistent Professional Hands on Work Experience Learning to deliver High Quality Services to respective Business Customers. All of our Knowledge Qualification Certifications are conferred upon an individual, after careful assessment and verification by implementation of Either ACPD or APEL or LBEL Scheme.

UK-CCL’s main intention is to work with Employers and Business Enterprises Nationally and Internationally to deliver bespoke training that aligns with individual business strategies, cultures, and values. UKCCL offer professional support through unparalleled customer service standards and marketing opportunities. We listen to our providers by keeping our processes as
simple as possible and ensuring that, Knowledge earned either by Tutorial or Work Learning by giving high priority in maintain High Quality Management Standards on ACPD or APEL or LBEL in confirming Knowledge Qualifications which will be added value for Career Progress of individuals and organisations. This acceptance gives the right accreditation what UKCCL
said goal.